CAPACITY laboratory
Currently working with four Detection Units for Km3net ARCA thanks to the project KM3NeT4RR At the CAPACITY lab, all integration processes of Detection Units take place along with PMT tests, Base Module integration, Detection Units calibration, European logistics, integration sites training and very soon: DOM testing in water!More info
Grant Office Manager Project – Master GOM
Venerdì 19 gennaio alle 11, nell’aula a1 di Palazzo delle Scienze (corso Italia 55, Catania) e su Microsoft Teams, si è svolta la lezione inaugurale del master di II livello “Gran Office Manager” (GOM), organizzato dal Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa. Ha aperto l’incontro e moderato Marco Romano (direttore del Master), seguito dai saluti di…
ASN – Press Release
INFN and Alcatel Submarine Networks sign contract for the extension of the largest undersea high energy Neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Located in Southeastern Sicily, the new submarine structure will connect the existing subsea multidisciplinary laboratory. – Italy’s Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) have signed a contract to supply…