KM3NeT4RR is a project based on the Kilometre Cube Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT), which is a large European research infrastructure comprising a deep-sea neutrino detector in the Mediterranean Sea, located off the coast of Portopalo di Capo Passero (Sicily, Italy).
Institutions participating to KM3NeT4RR Project
neutrino astronomy
with an superior angular resolution, it will allow to identify the sources of cosmic neutrinos, as well as to measure the energy spectra and flavour composition of the fluxes;
marine sciences
large opportunities for sensor connection providing long-term, high-bandwidth, continuous data collection.
Moreover, these data can be correlated with the data from the neutrino detector itself, which can also monitor bioluminescent and bioacoustics activities and sea currents
The project is part of a wider research project promoted by numerous European institutes and agencies participating in a consortium. It derives from a big network and it is also aimed to increase collaborations and open-innovation. Data processed through the underwater infrastructure and the on-shore processing center generate benefits for the scientific community using such data for numerous research purposes.
Policy makers, civil society and local communities have increasingly growing expectations on research infrastructures. It involves monitoring and measuring scientific, economic and social impacts of the KM3NeT4RR on the entire ecosystem as a whole. Focusing on value creation means defining a vision of the benefits to create for and with the stakeholders and working to reach such a vision.
The project is expected to generate a wealth of scientific, economical and social effects. From a scientific point of view, the KM3NeT4RR data will allow opening a new observational window on the Universe, searching for answers to some of the most fundamental and yet unsolved astrophysical problems, such as the origin and the mechanisms of production of cosmic rays, the physical processes at the origin of the very powerful “gamma-ray bursts” or the nature of dark matter. A well-founded hypothesis connects dark matter to the existence of Weak Interacting Massive Particles predicted by some of the most advanced particle physics theories. The detection of anomalous neutrino fluxes emitted by gravitational attractors such as the Sun and the Galactic center would provide indirect evidence of this fundamental theory. The KM3NeT telescope allows the validation of this hypothesis, contributing to the solution of a challenging scientific problem.
With the aim to reinforce the existing infrastructure to reach the goal of having competitive scientific results in the field of astroparticle physics and multi-messenger astronomy the project has been organized in working packages (WPs). More Info
La Borsa della Ricerca promuove PNRR Live: la rassegna di eventi realizzati con gli Enti finanziati dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza che parteciperanno al Forum EXPO PNRR (21-23 ottobre, Catania). I Live sono workshop di presentazione in diretta streaming della durata di un’ora, al netto degli interventi e delle domande dei partecipanti connessi da tutta Italia. La rassegna…
Il Forum della Borsa della Ricerca è stata un’ occasione che ha permesso di misurare l’interesse da parte del business network.Ne parlano Marco Romano (UniCT) e Giacomo Cuttone (INFN-LNS) , illustrando lo stato dell’arte del progetto KM3NeT4RR, finanziato dal #PNRR. PNRR Live | 23-24-25 settembre | 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄
On July 10 and 11 we had the STAC and RRB meeting of KM3NeT in Catania. This was the occasion to visit the Dom integration site of INFN sez. Catania and LNS DU integration site of INFN LNS. Both sites have been upgraded thanks to KM3NeT4RR.STAC and RRB fully appreciated the boost on neutrino telescope…
Neutrinos, Abyss and innovative technology